Monday, 13 May 2019

Tadasana(Mountain Pose)¥

Tadasana(Mountain Pose)¥

This pose teaches one to stand with majestic steadiness like a mountain. The word ‘Tada’ means a mountain, that’s where the name comes from. It involves the major groups of muscles and improves focus and concentration. It is the starting position for all the other asanas.

Stand with your heels slightly apart and hang your arms besides the torso. Gently lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet, then lay them softly down on the floor. Balance your body weight on your feet. Lift your ankles and firm your thigh muscles while rotating them inwards. As you inhale, elongate your torso and when you exhale release your shoulder blades away from your head. Broaden your collarbone and elongate your neck. Your ears, shoulders, hips and ankles should all be in one line. You can check your alignment by standing against the wall initially. You can even raise your hands and stretch them. Breathe easy.

Tadasana Yoga (Mountain Pose) Benefits and Steps

In Sanskrit language, Tada – Mountain and Asana – Pose, so it is called as Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Tadasana yoga pose is effective to increase height and stretching your body from feet to your arms. Let’s see benefits and steps of Tadasana (mountain pose).

Tadasana Yoga Steps (Mountain Pose)

  • Stand straight and keep some distance between feet.
  • Hands should be hanging alongside your body.
  • Now while deep inhaling raise your both the arms upwards and interlock your fingers.
  • Raise your heels and stand on your toes. Feel the stretch in your body from feet to fingers of arms.
  • Hold this position and your breath for 10 seconds.
  • Now while exhaling release your pose to come to the starting position.
  • Repeat this cycle for 10 times.

Tadasana Benefits

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Precautions

  • Those who are suffering from insomnia, low blood pressure or a headache should not practice tadasana yoga pose.
  • Should not practice during pregnancy

Mountain Pose is the base for all standing poses; it gives you a sense of how to ground in to your feet and feel the earth below you. Mountain pose may seem like "simply standing," but there is a ton going on.

How to do it: Start standing with your feet together. Press down through all ten toes as you spread them open. Engage your quadriceps to lift your kneecaps and lift up through the inner thighs. Draw your abdominals in and up as you lift your chest and press the tops of the shoulders down.

Feel your shoulder blades coming towards each other and open your chest; but keep your palms facing inwards towards the body. Imagine a string drawing the crown of the head up to the ceiling and breathe deeply in to the torso. Hold for 5-8 breaths.

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